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How is Accident Reconstruction Used in a Commercial Truck Accident Case? 

 Posted on December 28,2022 in Personal Injury

Grand Rapids, MI truck accident lawyerFollowing commercial truck accidents in Michigan, many people are aware that accident reconstruction experts could be used by either side in a dispute over possible financial compensation. So-called accident reconstructionists are considered experts because they have advanced understandings of various elements relating to crashes, so they can usually offer detailed analysis of what the cause of an accident actually was.

The state of Michigan actually has its own Traffic Crash Reconstruction that is part of the Michigan State Police (MSP) and has a primary purpose of determining as accurately as possible how a collision occurred using the physical facts and evidence available at crash scenes. There are numerous areas of a crash scene that will be inspected by experts in these cases.

Accident Reconstruction Concerns

When experts are reconstructing accident scenes, they usually evaluate the following kinds of information:

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Dangerous Intersections in Grand Rapids

 Posted on December 15,2022 in Personal Injury

Grand Rapids, MI car accident lawyerMLive Media Group recently reported that a list of the top 10 most dangerous intersections in Kent County based on police car accident report data showed that United States Route 131 and Wealthy Street in Grand Rapids remained the most dangerous intersection for the sixth year in a row. The report stated that 31 percent of all fatal motor vehicle accidents occurred at intersections.

Grand Rapids itself actually had seven of the top 10 crash locations on the list. A few days before that story was published, a 42-year-old woman was facing two second-degree murder charges after running over five Make-A-Wish bicyclists while under the influence of prescription drugs.

Common Causes of Multiple-Vehicle Accidents

The full top 10 list included:

  1. U.S. Route 131 (US 131) and Wealthy Street in Grand Rapids

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Who Pays for Drunk Driving Accidents in Grand Rapids?

 Posted on November 22,2022 in Personal Injury

Kent County personal injury lawyerFrom Brewery Vivant to City Built Brewing Company to Greyline Brewing Company to the Mitten Brewing Company to Harmony Brewing Company, there is no shortage of local brewery options in Grand Rapids. While these locations certainly offer adults the opportunity to taste some unique beverages, people who overdo alcohol consumption are at greater risk of causing drunk driving accidents.

It was only a few weeks ago that a 27-year-old man was arraigned on two felony charges after he allegedly struck and then dragged a bicyclist more than a mile-and-a-half while having a breath alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.21, nearly three times the legal limit. A Remus man who allegedly rear-ended and killed a motorcyclist was sentenced to one year in Isabella County Jail, while earlier this year, a Kentwood woman was sentenced to at least five years in prison following a January 2021 drunk driving crash that killed a young man.

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The Risks of Multiple-Vehicle Accidents

 Posted on November 15,2022 in Personal Injury

Grand Rapids multi-car crash attorneyFive people reportedly suffered injuries in a three-vehicle accident near Grand Rapids that involved a Chevrolet Impala trying to change lanes, striking another vehicle, and then crossing into the opposite lane and hitting a GMC pickup truck. The car accident injuries reportedly ranged from minor to critical.

Just days after that story, a list of the 20 most dangerous intersections in Michigan in 2021 was released that featured two intersections in Grand Rapids: United States Route 131 (US 131) and Wealthy Street ranked fifth, and Franklin Street Southwest and US 131 ranked 18th. The 134 total car crashes at US 131 and Wealthy Street marked a 17.5 percent increase from the 114 in 2020 and almost a 9 percent increase from the 123 in 2019 with injuries increasing from 18 in 2019 to 23 in 2020 to 26 in 2021.

Common Causes of Multiple-Vehicle Accidents

The bottom line to multiple-vehicle accidents remains that more damage will always be possible in these cases because your own vehicle could be struck by more than one other vehicle, and such collisions increase the possible amounts of damage to cars. One of the most common questions following any multiple-vehicle crash is to wonder why and how an accident happened.

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You May be Sick Because a Restaurant Broke One of These Food Safety Laws

 Posted on October 25,2022 in Personal Injury

Grand Rapids foodborne illness lawyerIt has become very clear over the past several years how critical proper sanitization in restaurants is. Viral and bacterial infections can easily be passed from person to person in an eatery environment where multiple people may handle a customer’s food. Aside from infections that are transmitted from person to person, pathogens contained in improperly handled food have the potential to make a restaurant customer very sick with food poisoning.

Food poisoning can be more than just drastically unpleasant - it can endanger a person’s life, particularly if they have health conditions making them more vulnerable than most. For this reason, the state of Michigan has set out strict legal rules that apply to most establishments serving prepared food. These guidelines are designed to ensure that food is stored, handled, and prepared in a manner that is safe and unlikely to render diners ill. If you have suffered food poisoning after eating in a restaurant, you may be entitled to compensation. An attorney can help you pursue this special type of personal injury case. 

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Top 4 Causes of Falls in Rehabilitation Facilities

 Posted on October 12,2022 in Personal Injury

Kent County personal injuryFalls are an occurrence far too common in rehabilitation facilities. A majority of people staying in these care centers are there due to an injury that prevents them from being able to safely care for themselves at home. Some have mental impairments due to a recent stroke or brain injury. Others have physical injuries that restrict their movement. Many of those who are able to stand or walk are supposed to do so only with a caregiver present for safety and medical reasons. While not all falls can be prevented with a reasonable professional level of care, many can.

If you or your loved one was recently injured after falling in a rehabilitation facility, there is a possibility that the rehabilitation facility or one of its care providers was negligent in causing the injuries. If this proves to be the case, you or your loved one may be entitled to compensation. An attorney can assess you case and help you determine how to move forward. 

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Why Distracted Driving Is Likely to Lead to Dangerous Car Accidents

 Posted on September 26,2022 in Personal Injury

Grand Rapids Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer

Over the past few decades, distracted driving has been a significant issue that has affected roadway safety in the United States. Despite awareness of the dangers of distracted driving, it continues to be a common cause of car accidents. In fact, an average of nine people are killed and more than 1,000 are injured in distracted driving accidents every day, according to data collected by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). If you have been injured in a car accident involving distracted driving, you may be wondering what your legal options are. An experienced personal injury attorney can work with you to demonstrate that a distracted driver was responsible for your accident, and they can help you get the compensation you deserve.

What Is Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving may include anything that takes a driver's eyes or attention off of the road. Distracting activities can include using a cell phone to make calls, reading or sending text messages, eating and drinking, conversing with passengers, adjusting the car stereo, using a GPS navigation system, and more. In recent years, cell phone use has become one of the most common—and deadliest—forms of distracted driving. 

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E. Coli Food Poisoning Cases in Michigan Linked to Wendy’s Restaurants

 Posted on September 12,2022 in Personal Injury

Kent County Food Poisoning Injury Lawyer

There are multiple reasons why the food served to people at restaurants may be unsafe, and in some cases, different types of food may become contaminated with dangerous viruses or bacteria. E. coli is one of the most common causes of food poisoning, and a recent outbreak that took place in the Midwest has raised concerns about the risks people may face when eating at certain restaurants. Those who have suffered harm due to food poisoning will want to determine their options, and a personal injury lawyer may be able to assist in taking legal action against a restaurant, food supplier, or other company that failed to follow the correct safety practices or allowed contaminated foods to be sold to consumers.

E. Coli Outbreak Associated With Wendy's

On August 17, 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that it was investigating an outbreak of cases of food poisoning related to E. coli. The CDC's investigation is still ongoing, and it has not confirmed a specific source of food poisoning. However, out of the initial 62 patients the CDC interviewed, 52 of them reported eating at a Wendy's restaurant within one week of becoming ill. While Wendy's has not admitted responsibility for this outbreak, it did take the step of removing romaine lettuce from its sandwiches at restaurants in Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. To date, the CDC has received reports of 97 illnesses affecting people in six states, with 43 of these cases requiring hospitalization.

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Were You Burned By Chemicals? Get Help From a Personal Injury Lawyer

 Posted on August 30,2022 in Personal Injury

"grandToxic chemicals are insidious substances - often without a bad smell or clear visual warning, chemicals can cause serious physical harm to unsuspecting victims. Chemical burns can happen quickly and be immediately painful, but they can also happen slowly over time and cause damage that is hard to detect and prevent. Depending on the source of the chemical and which organization or individual was responsible for its unsafe handling, victims of toxic chemical contact may want to take action to recover financial compensation for their injuries and pursue justice. 

Where Do Chemical Injuries Frequently Occur? 

Chemical injuries are categorized into four groups: Acid, alkali, phosphorus, and chemical injection injuries. The most common chemical that burns people is sulfuric acid and chemical burns most often occur in the workplace, but they can also happen at work, school, or on the premises of restaurants, grocery stores, and home improvement stores. Even seemingly harmless substances like paint can cause external tissue damage and should be avoided when the source and substance are not well known. 

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Spinal Cord Injuries Can Mean Lifelong Disability 

 Posted on August 10,2022 in Personal Injury

kent county personal injury lawyerA normal person going about their daily business - working, driving, helping a friend - can have their life changed in the blink of an eye when a spinal cord injury takes place. The consequences of a spinal cord injury are often wide-ranging, expensive and laborious to treat, and difficult or impossible to adjust to. If you or someone you love has been debilitatingly injured by a spinal cord injury, Michigan law may allow you to seek compensation with a personal injury lawsuit. Learn more about spinal cord injuries and then contact an experienced personal injury attorney who may be able to help. 

Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries

The spinal cord is a large column of nerve tissue that connects the entire body’s nervous system starting at the base of the skull and down through the middle of the back. Protective membranes surround the spinal cord, and these are further protected by vertebrae. The nerve signals that tell our bodies to pick something up, retract from painful stimuli, or scratch an itch all run through the spinal cord. Unsurprisingly, then, when the spinal cord is injured, the consequences can be devastating. Spinal cords are most commonly injured in accidents - unexpected events that happen in a split second and which can change a life forever. These accidents include, but are not limited to: 

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